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The fight against the Coronavirus (Covid19) Outbreak

Measures were taken in our company related to the Covid19 pandemic which causes huge loss of lives and property all around the world. The whole factory building and vehicles were disinfected. Workspaces are being cleaned more frequently. Distances and one-to-one interactions between workers are reduced as much as possible.

By installing two hand disinfectant dispensers in necessary areas, the health of our visitors and employees is being protected and the spread of the disease minimized.

While these measures will be further increased, we will enhance hygiene and try to prevent the spread of the virus within our company in order to protect our employees and customers.

The health of our employees, customers and suppliers always comes first… Manas Tooling is willing to take all kinds of precautions against the Coronavirus (Covid-19)…


#corona #covid19 #manascoronavirusprecautions

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